Recent Projects and Photos by Autumn Air

New Carrier heatpump installation in Saugerties NY.
New Carrier heat pump installation in Saugerties. This new Carrier heat pump system replaced existing AC only system that was using electric heat strip inside air handler as primary heat for home. This is the most inefficient way to heat your home. We installed this 18 […]

Gas to heat pump conversion
Converted this home in Stone Ridge from propane gas heaters to mini split heat pump units. We installed a multi-zone mini split heat pump system to provide zoning in each bedroom. Service provided: Heat Pumps […]

Navien boiler repair in New Paltz
Navien boiler leaking in New Paltz. This is a combination boiler that provides domestic hot water and hydronic heating. Heating loop water pressure would climb until safety relief was activated. After troubleshooting system we found the plate heat exchanger leaking internally mixing domestic water pressure with […]

Weil Mclain boiler serviced in Saugerties NY
Weil Mclain ultra 105 gas boiler in Saugerties NY. Boiler was not operating due to multiple ignition failures. Removed heat exchanger plate to inspect and found 90% restricted. Cleaned entire heat exchanger. Removed all heavy debris then flushed with water. Reinstalled cover plate with all […]

New mini split system in Woodstock NY
We installed this Fujitsu multi zone mini split heat pump system in Woodstock NY. Customer was originally quoted two separate systems. We specialize in all multi zone applications. Using multi zone systems helps out with initial cost, not overloading electrical panel and overall appearance. Service provided: Heat […]

Quality mini-split installation completed in Saugerties NY
We received this job originally as a Fujitsu mini-split service call in Saugerties. During diagnostic we found major electrical issues. All circuit boards in outdoor unit were shorted out. Due to the age of system it was best to seek replacement of all equipment. […]